Optical Mouse

The Optical mouse was introduced by Agilent Technologies in 1999.  In this technology uses a tiny camera that takes thousands of pictures per second to determine position and speed. A very small light emitting diode is used in the optical mouse. Commonly preferred LED is red LED. The light from the LED falls on the mouse pad or desk surface and bounces back onto a CMOS (Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor).


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Operation of generators

The generator is a device which converts the mechanical energy into electrical energy.


GeneratorIn order to understand the operation of a simple generator, consider rectangular coil ABCD placed in a magnetic field as shown in the figure. The two ends of the coil are connected to the two copper half rings (or split rings) R1 and R2 called commutator. There are two carbon brushes B1 and B2 which press lightly against the two half rings.


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