Clothes dryers are used to remove moisture from clothes. Usually, they are used after washing clothes in a washing machine. The moisture is removed from clothes by spinning and circulating hot air through them. It consumes a bit more energy. There is a wide range of dryers available in the market. The power consumption of clothes dryers ranges between 1500 to 6000 Watts. A typical dryer used 3500 watts. Here you can calculate the energy usage of the clothes dryer, usage costs, and tips to save energy.
Enter the wattage, hours of usage and cost per kWh. The energy usage calculator for clothes dryers gives you the total energy consumed by them. Also, you can find how much power clothes dryers use.
Energy usage of clothes dryer
Wattage: | |
Average usage hours per day: | |
Cost per unit*:(Global Electricity rates) | |
Electricity usage per hour: | |
Electricity usage per day: | |
Usage cost per hour: | |
Usage cost per day: | |
Usage cost per month: | |
Usage cost per year: |
Terms and definitions:
Power usage of the device in watts shall be mentioned on its label.
Cost per unit:
The average cost per unit charged by the electric utility. Every country has different tariff rates. Visit: Global Electricity prices for details if you don’t know how much the utility company charges you per unit or kWH.
Units per day:
The number of units of electricity consumed by the load every day considering the entered operation hours.
Hours of usage:
The number of hours the load is used per day.
The electricity usage depends on the wattage and the number of hours of usage. The utility company charges you for the total kilowatt-hour of energy you have consumed. Kilowatt-hour is the product of the power consumption of the load and the number of hours of usage.
Power consumption of clothes dryers

Like other heating devices like a geyser, furnaces, etc. dryers consume a lot of energy compared to that of other home appliances. A typical dryer consumes 3.5kWh of energy per hour of usage. That means an hour of usage can cost you 42 cents.
Therefore, it is better to use natural drying methods over the clothes dryer if you want to save energy as well as electricity bills. Make available space in your backyard or balcony to dry your clothes. During winter when there is not enough sunlight, dryers can be used.
Other power consumption calculators
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Have you ever published a study on how much excess energy is used due to lint buildup and other debris (bird nests, leaves, etc.) restricting airflow throughout the dryer’s exhaust vent?
This would be a great tie-in with above interesting article!