The speed of an induction motor is always lesser than its synchronous speed. The difference between the actual speed and the synchronous speed of a motor is known as slip. Here is a simple induction motor slip calculator. If you want to calculate the synchronous speed, you can use the synchronous speed calculator tool.
Measured Speed | |
Synchronous speed | |
Result | |
Motor Slip | |
How to use the induction motor slip calculator:
The above tool requires the following data for calculation:
- The synchronous speed of the motor. (you can use the synchronous speed calculator tool.)
- The actual speed of the motor. (Mandatory)
After entering the required data from the nameplate, click on the “Calculate” button to find out the slip.
The rated speed of the motor is mentioned in RPM. In order to find out the synchronous speed roundup the values mentioned on the nameplate to the nearest value in the table below:
Speed at 50Hz | Speed at 60Hz |
3000 | 3600 |
1500 | 1800 |
1000 | 1200 |
750 | 900 |
600 | 720 |
500 | 600 |
375 | 450 |
250 | 300 |
Slip calculation and formula
The following formula can be used for the calculation:
- n: Supply frequency
- ns: Synchronous speed
Other calculators:
- Synchronous speed calculator
- Torque-power calculator
- Power-torque calculator
- Torque-speed calculator
- Speed-torque calculator
- Induction motor slip
- Motor torque calculator
- Motor FLC calculator
- Motor Locked rotor current calculator
- Number of poles calculator
- DOL Starter Design tool
- Star-Delta Starter design tool
- HP to kW Converter
- kW to Amps Converter
- Amps to kW converter